EPA Creates New Climate Ready Toolbox for Water Utilities

EPA has announced the release of a new Climate Ready Water Utilities (CRWU) Toolbox.  This initiative has direct links to state and local water security endeavors because of the potential impacts from climate-related events such as floods, blizzards, droughts, etc.  The Toolbox provides a searchable database for water utilities to identify relevant climate change-related impacts and target resources for responding to those challenges, including:

•  Current federal, state, and association activities related to climate change impacts on water resources and utilities

•  Grant programs that could support climate-related actions by utilities and municipalities

•  Publications and reports

•  Tools and models

•  Workshops and seminars

 These resources are searchable by utility type and size, region, water resources, climate change impacts, and climate response strategies.  The toolbox is available on EPA’s Web Site at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/watersecurity/climate/toolbox.htm.

The toolbox will be updated periodically so that it provides access to the latest available information.

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